I am a self-taught video editor using Adobe Premier. I appreciate the challenge of communicating a message effectively with moving images.

“1001 Open Hands”

Aug. 2023 - Personal project to make a music video for this song by Good Luck (ca. 2008) and launched on my birthday. The video is about reconnecting with myself and features my artwork. I had the idea while running. Edited in just 4 intensive sessions, with footage from St Louis MO, the Adirondack region of upstate NY and Virginia Beach VA.

Below is a selection of video projects I have edited for the Uhuru Movement, under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party on the storyboard.

Hands Off Uhuru!

Aug. 2022 - Documentation of the violent FBI raid on the Uhuru Movement that took place July 29, 2022. To learn more about the campaign visit

USM 2021 Convention

Reel for the Uhuru Solidarity Movement 2021 National convention, “Make Wall Street Pay Reparations” held on April 17-18, 2021.

Uhuru Planet

February 2021 - Promotion reel for Uhuru Planet Reparations Apparel.


Reparations Challenges

